Thursday 25 May 2017

I'm Back

It's been a long time since I last posted here. Since finishing the Android Development for Everyday People series on this blog, I thought at the time that it would be great to own my own plot of land on the internet and for a time I did.

I ran my own site using WordPress. Everything was wonderful until one day I saw the white screen of death. I spent time trying to debug it then I realized how low I had fallen.

Here was I a developer debugging a program written so that I didn't have to code. I realized at the moment that I needed to lose all the work I had done and start all over again.

Since I would be starting over, I decided that I could take it as a learning opportunity to remember how to build a usable system. I considered the pros and cons and in the end, I took down the site and here I am.

I plan to develop my own blog engine. I realize now that with WordPress too many things can go wrong that you have no control over. That is the keyword: control. It might have been a clash of themes or any one of a countless number of factors that led to the site crashing but I don't care.

I cannot debug a WordPress site for myself. For a client, I know that I will be billing but for myself, it makes no sense.

So I am back to the basics. Writing my own blog engine. With any luck, there might be a book at the end of the journey.

In the time I spent away, I wrote 3 books on App Inventor. They are all published in the Amazon store. I am currently writing my 4th one although I have to start all over again as I have changed the title which means that the tone of the book will change.

I will give it out 4 free on my new site when it is done. So please sign up for my newsletter on my new site.

I'm back.

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